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1:72《英國CORGI》超級馬林噴火戰鬥機 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX 英國王牌飛行員 約翰尼·約翰遜 座機 全球限量2100架 合金戰鬥機模型

1:72《英國CORGI》超級馬林噴火戰鬥機 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX 英國王牌飛行員 約翰尼·約翰遜 座機 全球限量2100架 合金戰鬥機模型



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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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噴火戰鬥機(英語:Spitfire),是英國在二次世界大戰中最重要也最具代表性的戰鬥機之一,也是最主要的單發動機戰鬥機。從1936年第一架原型機試飛開始不斷地改良,期間並且使用兩種不同的液冷式發動機,不僅擔負英國維持空權的重大責任,轉戰歐洲、北非與亞洲等戰區,提供其他盟國使用,戰後還到中東地區參與當地的衝突。噴火與德國空軍Bf 109並列為歐洲戰區最重要的兩大機種,也是兩款從大戰初期較勁到結束的敵人。

約翰遜獲得了 34 次單獨戰勝敵機的勝利,以及 7 次共同勝利、3 次共同可能勝利、10 次損壞、3 次共同損壞和 1 次地面擊毀。約翰遜執行了 700 架次作戰任務,並與敵機交戰 57 次。在他的個人勝利清單中包括 14 架梅塞施密特 Bf 109和 20 架Focke-Wulf Fw 190被摧毀,這使他成為英國皇家空軍對抗 Fw 190 最成功的王牌。

Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX W/Cdr. J.E. Johnson
Wearing full D-Day identification markings of the RAF's top scoring fighter aces of WWII with an impressive tally of 34 confirmed aerial victories. This Spitfire flew back to the UK on unofficial 'Beer Runs', with two beer kegs attached under the wing of his aircraft.

Wearing full D-Day identification markings, Spitfire MK329 JE-J 'Junior' was the personal mount of RAF ace pilot James Edgar 'Johnnie' Johnson, one of the RAF's top scoring fighter aces of WWII and one who's impressive tally of 34 confirmed aerial victories was scored exclusively against Luftwaffe single engined fighters. Flying extensively in support of the D-Day landings, Johnson and the squadrons under his command would be employed in aggressively clearing the skies of northern France of Luftwaffe fighter opposition, something they proved rather effective at doing. In fact, by D-Day, Johnson was one of the most successful Allied air aces still flying operationally, with his victories showing no sign of abating. Johnson and his No.127 (RCAF) Wing were one of the first fighter units to be sent to operate from forward landing bases in France following the successful Normandy landings, which is where the unusual story of this particular aircraft comes from. It appears that Spitfire Mk.IX MK329 was something of a hybrid machine and not the one Johnson actually flew in combat, but more of a hack airframe.

It is reputed that once his unit had been sent to operate in France, he used this Spitfire to fly back to the UK on unofficial 'Beer Runs', returning to their temporary home with two beer kegs attached under the wing of his aircraft. This practice was frowned upon by the RAF top brass, so units came up with ingenious ways around the restrictions, using standard external fuel tanks which had been thoroughly washed out for the purpose of transporting their beer, however, despite their very best endeavours, the beer still had a nasty aftertaste of fuel. It is thought that as Johnson was particularly highly regarded by both his men and his superiors, a blind eye may have been turned on his unofficial Spitfire sorties and the refreshing ordnance they ferried. There are few details regarding the actual production and service career of Spitfire MK329 in existence, which Johnson described in his memoirs as being a collection of components from various different Spitfires, something of a mix and match airframe. This is borne out by the fact that its serial MK329 is very similar to that of his usual and favoured combat mount around that time, Spitfire MK392 - is this the reason why he referred to this aircraft as 'Junior'? Whatever the true story, this beautiful Spitfire and its unusual underslung load makes for a fitting first release for our new Spitfire Mk.IX tooling.


彩盒尺寸:約22cm X 22cm X 7.5cm 
商品簡介: 成品模型不需組裝,螺旋槳可動,輪胎可更換為飛行狀態,附飛行員,附展示架,全球限量2100架,內附限量保證卡
